Punjab Probation and Parole Service Initiates Blood Donation Campaign Under the Leadership of DG Muhammad Shahid Iqbal


Under the dynamic leadership of Muhammad Shahid Iqbal, the Director General of the Punjab Probation and Parole Service (PP&PS), the department is embarking on a transformative journey. Moving beyond traditional roles, the PP&PS has initiated a commendable blood donation campaign across Punjab, marking a significant step towards community engagement and social responsibility.

Launch of Blood Donation Campaign

The campaign began with a strong start in the Gujranwala Division, where the PP&PS signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Sundas Foundation. This partnership aims to facilitate regular blood donations, ensuring a steady supply of blood for those in need, particularly children suffering from thalassemia and other blood disorders.

Expansion to Lahore Division

Following the successful launch in Gujranwala, the Lahore Division also embraced this noble cause by coordinating with the Aleem Dar Foundation. This collaboration further extended the reach and impact of the blood donation campaign, demonstrating the department's commitment to public health and welfare.

Involvement of Probationers

A notable aspect of this campaign is the active involvement of probationers. Recognizing the importance of giving back to the community, many probationers volunteered to donate blood. This act of service not only contributes to saving lives but also helps probationers to reintegrate into society as responsible and compassionate individuals.

Community Impact and Future Plans

The blood donation campaign has already made a positive impact, fostering a sense of solidarity and compassion among the participants and the wider community. By encouraging probationers to participate in such initiatives, the PP&PS is promoting values of empathy, responsibility, and civic duty.

Looking ahead, the department plans to expand this campaign to other divisions across Punjab, ensuring that more people benefit from the life-saving act of blood donation. The PP&PS also aims to establish more partnerships with non-profit organizations and foundations to enhance the scope and effectiveness of their efforts.


Under the visionary leadership of DG Muhammad Shahid Iqbal, the Punjab Probation and Parole Service is entering a new era of community service and social responsibility. The blood donation campaign is a testament to the department's dedication to public welfare and its innovative approach to probation and parole services. By fostering a culture of giving and community support, the PP&PS is making significant strides towards building a more compassionate and cohesive society in Punjab. 

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