Juvenile Justice System

Juvenile justice refers to the legal and social system designed to address the needs of young individuals who have engaged in delinquent or criminal behavior. Juvenile justice systems are distinct from adult criminal justice systems and are specifically tailored to handle cases involving minors or juveniles who are below the age of adulthood, which can vary from country to country but is typically under 18 years old.

The primary goals of the juvenile justice system are:

  1. Rehabilitation and Reintegration: The emphasis is on rehabilitating juvenile offenders rather than punishing them. The system aims to address the underlying causes of delinquency and provide interventions that help juveniles reintegrate into society as law-abiding citizens.

  2. Protection of Rights: Juvenile justice systems are designed to protect the legal rights and welfare of young individuals, ensuring that they are treated fairly and provided with appropriate legal representation.

  3. Diversion: Many juvenile justice systems offer diversion programs that allow young offenders to avoid formal court proceedings by participating in community-based programs or undergoing counseling and intervention.

  4. Education and Support: The system often focuses on providing educational opportunities and support services to help juveniles develop positive life skills and make positive changes.

  5. Community Safety: While rehabilitation is a primary goal, ensuring the safety of the community is also important. The system seeks to strike a balance between rehabilitation and protecting the public from potential harm.

It's important to note that juvenile justice systems can vary significantly from one country to another and can even differ within different states or regions of the same country. Each jurisdiction may have its own laws, procedures, and approaches to handling juvenile offenders based on cultural, social, and legal considerations.

The concept of juvenile justice recognizes that young people may be more susceptible to influences and their actions might be influenced by developmental factors. As such, the system aims to provide interventions that help guide them back on track rather than imposing harsh punitive measures typically associated with the adult criminal justice system.

Process of Juvenile Justice System in Pakistan under Juvenile Justice System Act, 2018

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