The model for reintegration of offenders is inevitable for community corrections. This model is broadly classified into four steps which are given below:
- Risk and Needs Assessment
- Case Planning
- Implementation of plan
- Progress Evaluation

1. Risk and Needs Assessment:-
At first, various instruments will be used to assess the risk of offenders to re-offend. They would be asked questions on many topics to clarify their risk of recidivism.
Needs assessment would be done to inquire about the causes behind occurrence of crime. As, to alter the behavior of criminal, the motive behind occurrence of crime is imperative. This would be done with the help of various instruments like questionnaires and interviews. Thus, criminogenic needs assessment is part and parcel of whole process.
2. Case Planning:-
After initial assessment of offenders, case planning would be done. Every individual would be treated as a specific and unique case. An adept person or a group of experienced officers would perform this activity of gargantuan importance. In this whole process, interpretation of assessments hold immense significance. Based on these interpretations, whole case would be planned. This would encompass would probation or parole period of offender.
3. Implementation of Plan:-
Plan implementation phases comes after planning or brainstorming suitable steps to address the offending behavior of criminal under supervision of parole or probation officer. At this stage, different sections would be formed to implement the plan. Various monitoring or supervision teams would work to monitor the behavior of offenders in field. For this purpose, MOUs would be signed with different organization to accelerate the whole process.
4. Progress Evaluation:-
Progress evaluation is the final step in the whole process of reintegration. Here, two questions would be answered: (i) how offender's risk level addressed? (ii) whether criminal recidivism reduced or not? An internal assessment of the whole process from risk assessment to plan and implementation would be conducted by a team of senior officers.
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