Social acceptance and readjustment or rehabilitation are corner stones of probation service and involving community in said process is necessary for better social integration of offenders and meeting his/her psychological needs. Being effective, economic, social and psychological methods of dealing with offenders, Probation and Parole are integral parts of the criminal justice system. Following are some suggestion for improving the rehabilitation process.

  1. To maintain the deterrence of parolees/probationers, there should be amendment in Rules by inserting the provision regarding power of arrest of any escapee (either parolee or probationer) delegated to Probation or Parole Officer.

  2. According to need, any of the following methods of rehabilitation should be adopted:

    1. Case Work Method

Aimed at treating individual on one-to-one basis and to meet personal and social problems, this method is helpful in adjusting probationers/parolees to their environment. 

  1. Group Work Method

Aimed at facilitating social, behavioral and emotional adjustment of individuals through group process. This technique can also be used for rehabilitation of offenders under different categories. Therapeutic factors like instillation of hope, universality, imparting information, role play, catharsis, group cohesiveness and interpersonal learning lead to positive changes in group members (probationers and parolees).

In contrast to one-to-one counselling, social group work is found more effective in changing maladaptive behavior of probationers/parolees, and it is time saving process as it treats several probationers at the same time. 

  1. Referral Role

According to need, an officer can refer the offender to any line department, like skill development institute, Drug Abuse Centre, Psychiatry Department or any Micro Finance Institute. So, it is suggested that heads of District Line Departments should also invited in quarterly Case Committee Meetings for better liaison and improve the rehabilitation process.

Correction and Rehabilitation of Penitent Offenders


To effect the rehabilitation and reintegration of probationers, parolees as productive, law-abiding and socially responsible members of the community through:

1. Well-planned supervision programs for probationers or parolees which are aligned to national program thrusts of the government, and

2. Establishment of financially and technically feasible projects for the moral, spiritual and economic upliftment of probationers and parolees by utilizing available community resources.

Scope and Beneficiaries:

All offenders granted probation, parole, pardon and suspended sentence. The Administration has adopted a harmonized and integrated treatment program for these clients to effect their rehabilitation. This harmonized and integrated program involves (1) Therapeutic Community Modality, (2) Restorative Justice Principles and Concepts, and (3) Use of Volunteer Probation Aides (VPAs).

Belief in the Higher power

Individual must take responsibility

Inherent goodness of man

Man can change and unfold

Group can foster change

Essential Elements

  • Active Participation
  • Membership Feedback
  • Role Modelling
  • Collective Formats for Guiding Individual Change
  • Shared Norms and Values
  • Structure and Systems
  • Open Communication
  • Individual and Group Relationships
  • Unique Terminology

Treatment Categories

Relational/Behavior Management i Affective/Emotional-Psychological i Cognitive/Intellectual i Spiritual i Psychomotor/Vocational-Survival Skills

Program Phases

Preparatory Stage

1st phase: Orientation

Build Foundation Client is assimilated into the TC culture during this phase. He/she acquires understanding of the program, philosophy and beliefs of TC, his/her role in the hierarchical structure, and rules to be observed as a TC Family member.

The process of enculturation also generates self-awareness, challenges denials, and begins client’s journey to self-responsibility and accountability.

2nd phase: Primary Treatment

Focus and Develop The focus of primary treatment is to effect behavioral change and develop client initiative and self-discipline. Through constant application of TC values and with regular use of TC tools, clients manifest a socially acceptable behavior and live an addiction-free lifestyle. Equipped with basic literacy and employable skills and imbibed with TC values and precepts, clients become more productive members of their community, gender sensitive, environment-conscious, and economically empowered.

3rd Phase: Immersion

Internalize and Apply Phase III is a vital link between Phases II and IV. During this phase, clients apply their learnings from Phase II and are now internalizing the TC precepts and beliefs. In the process, clients become mature and responsible, endeavoring to fulfill their duties to their families and community. Immersion in this phase is viewed as a total plunge into the TC program precepts and beliefs to bring about positive change in attitude and behavior. Clients undergo a difficult but sustained change that would need assistance of legitimate support groups to prevent relapse. These, together with established self-sufficiency and utilization of skills and intellectual capacity, will lead them to become economically productive, contented and stable.

4th Phase: Integration

Live and Sustain It is in the INTEGRATION PHASE that the client is expected to consistently behave in a responsible manner both in the family and in the community without the direct supervision of a Probation and Parole Officer.

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